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We strive to provide you with our best work.
Top Engineering
We measure right, calculate with precision, and plan for excellency.
Problem solvers
We develop concise solutions to multidimensional problems.
Field experience
We have built, installed, and maintained for decades.



We manufacture specialty fiberglass (GRP) products meeting your needs and specifications. Our products are carefully elaborated by our specialized technicians, taking into account mechanical, environmental, and scale factors along all the pertinent information that is provided by the client.

Don't let your projects be limited by what exists, contact us and let us carry out your vision with the customized solutions that we can offer.

Model for illustrative purposes only.


First phase of development

Plans de Brida

We create suitable 2D and 3D plan drawings so that in the manufacturing process the product built precisely to your specifications.

3d Modeling

Second phase of development

For a better visualization we create 3d renders with pleasant and professional aesthetics so that the client can evaluate more details of the product that would not be easily observed in 2D drawings.

Render de plataforma

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Third phase of development

Model for illustrative purposes only.

Finally, we perform virtual tests and simulations with finite element analysis (FEA) to detect any imperfections that may come up and correct it before production, ensuring that we deliver high quality products with multiple revision steps.

Certifications & Standards

More than 39 years of experience that support us, please contact us now to quote your business.

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